As a 501c3 Non-Profit Orginazation, we rely on donations to allow to offer our services for free to those who need them. We offer transparency in our fund distribution so that you can feel confeident in where your donations go. 
Below is details on where our fund are distributed and more information on our goals.

Debbies's Place: Our largest goal is to open a "camp" that feels like home, where patients and caregivers can spend time learning life improvement skills and knowledge of cannabis treatment. The modern cannabis healing carehome.

Patient Consultations: Our most active area, we aim to provide cannabis consultations for patients on limited income at no cost to them. 

An Ounce of Hope: Debbie's cannabis and epilepsy story told through poems and prose. Once published profits from the book return to Noah's Ark to support further education.

Education: Funds will enable educational events and services 

Community Investment: Giving back to our local community